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Blackjack Tips

blackjack tips

  1. Know a basic strategy of blackjack by heart so you can stick to it to a tee, regardless of what your instincts might say. Blackjack happens to be a mathematical game, so hunches and guesses will not determine whether you win or not. In fact, the greatest tip would be to get rid of all superstitions and simply follow a great strategy while playing. Master a basic strategy. Stop second-guessing the mathematics involved.
  2. Do not take insurance if you aren't counting; it isn't actually insurance, but a bet for suckers. It may look like a mere bet for whether the dealer holds a blackjack or not, but it is actually also a huge bet of negative expectation in every case. If you aren't an expert at counting cards, insurance may make sense sometimes, but we won't talk about that here.

Other Tips

  1. Check out the players and tables. Your goal should be to find a table that is enjoyable, fast and relaxing, so you can get things done with minimal interruption and interference. Drunken players can be distracting, for example, while slow players tend to put limits on how much you could win every hour. Mean dealers simply bring the entire vibe and mood down, and that could interfere with your concentration and ability for relaxation, as well.
  2. Bankroll management would also be vital if you wish to profit as time goes by, if you count cards, or if you just want to have fun. By making sure you don't join tables with bet sizes that exceed 1/20 of a bankroll in a single session, you will get the most bang for your buck. If you happen to play on advantage, you will reduce your ruining risk, as well. These principles also happen to apply in bankroll management when playing video poker, craps, or poker. Just don't play after you have wiped out your bankroll - period.
  3. Several advantage players don't like giving the dealer a tip, but there is more to this than just being nice. Players who generously tip the dealer may get one that shuffles up later than he otherwise does, which would be a major boon to card counters. Besides, friendlier dealers make things more enjoyable overall. So if you tip yours, you can ensure that he stays friendly all throughout.

Hopefully, these general tips for blackjack can help you improve your game. They may not be deep or profound, but they are just as vital as learning a basic strategy and can help you find the proper mindset overall.

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